Help Keep Julie Amero Out of Prison

Julie Amero is the Connecticut teacher I wrote about a few days ago — and that many others have written about — who was convicted of exposing children to pornography. The exposure was accidental, yet she is facing 40 years in prison if her conviction is not vacated. I don’t think she deserves this, and lots of readers agree. So, what can you do about it?

Steve Bass, at PC World, has more information about the case, and some suggestions about how to help :

You can check the Julie Amero blog and consider helping by way of the Julie Amero Defense Fund …

You can also use the power of e-mail. The State’s Attorney responsible for supervision of David Smith, the prosecutor in the Amero case, is Michael L. Regan. You might want to write him and strongly urge he help Smith file a motion to vacate the conviction. An e-mail to the Chief State’s Attorneys of Connecticut Kevin T. Kane and Connecticut Governor M. Jodi Rell can’t hurt, either. (There are more e-mail links on the Julie Amero site.)

If you write, however tempting, try not to go on a rant. Use your computing expertise — and a civil argument — and you’ll likely get better results.

The case has the public’s attention and it’s taken on an energy that won’t be stopped. Stay tuned.

I think Steve Bass is on target. Writing letters is helpful. Donating money, if you can, is also helpful. Talking about the case and keeping it in front of people’s minds will also help. Most important, in doing all of these things, is to keep framing the issue in a way that generates more and more support for Amero.

Here is a link to the Julie Amero Blog.

For Steve Bass’s previous writing on this case, click here and here.

Thanks to Viviane for reposting the BoingBoing story that linked to the Bass article.


Filed under activism, News and politics, public discourse, sex, sex and the law, sexuality and age

2 responses to “Help Keep Julie Amero Out of Prison

  1. Mimi, welcome. And for the rest of you, I surfed over to Mimi’s blog: Sexagenarian and the City, and you wouldn’t do yourselves any harm to drop by there yourselves. Especially if you have dating stories to share.